Saturday, April 21, 2012


Remember growing up when everything seemed so big? Hills were big and roads neverending? That's how I felt about the street I grew up on. It is on a hill and there is another hill in the middle of it. Every now and again I run this road and look at my youth. I remember where my friends lived. The house that burned down. The lot that was vacant the whole time I lived there (15 years) and still was 5 years later. And I love running past the house I grew up in. I always said that if given the chance I would buy it. That's not true now because I love the house I am in and I actually know the owner and when she told be about all the renovations she did I was no longer interested.

 Anyway I started on the west end and ran east. The first hill seemed like nothing today, but I can remember thinking it was so steep whenever I rode my bike up it. I barely noticed the hill in the middle. I can distinctly remember it being 400m long and a 10% grade growing up. How did they manage to flatten it? I picked up speed down the other side, ran past my old house, rounded the corner and ran down the hill on the east side. This is a good steep hill and I do remember flying down it on a bike. This one is probably 5% grade and about 100m long. A challenge in my youth but not now that i am a strong adult runner. And this neverending road is a mear 1.55km. And it took all of 8 minutes to run.


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