Sunday, January 29, 2012


I am looking at my training program and every single workout was crossed off this week!

2 swims totaling 1:30 (3150m)
3 bikes totaling 2:59
3 runs totaling 2:02 (18.2km)

The schedule of how I fit everything in will work until the end of March. I do anticipate some disruption when we move (possession in 3 weeks!), but I may have to drop the kids in childcare so I can get the workouts done.

The only scheduling issue I had was I didn't spin before swimming on Thursday, but today I ran before swimming and the swim didn't feel any worse at the start than normal.

I also did a 500m time trial and my benchmark is 11:48 (2:21/100m)

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Another spin success! Today's workout was 1:44 in length and a mix of aerobic and anaerobic. I don't have a lot to say about it although I do feel like I worked my ass off and it ended up on the floor in a pool of sweat.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Double your pleasure!

Today was my first double day of training. Initially I was going to spin before my swim class, but a daughter who wanted me to lay with her last night took a big chunk of sleep away from me. It isn't often that my kids want to cuddle so I take what I can get. Everyone was short on sleep and Jake was the first to wake up at 8:10 and he needed to be at school in 20 minutes because he was leaving on a field trip. Luckily today is the day that my MIL takes him to school so there wasn't the rush to get everyone out the door. I made the decision to have a relaxing coffee and spin later in the evening.

I had a great swim! It was my longest distance since GWN 2009, a total of 2150m. A lot of it was pull but I did every stroke. I am working hard on my form and keeping that arm bent during the pull. I also discovered that my "fast" pace is only slightly faster than my "1500m pace" pace but feels about 10 times harder, so something not good is happening with my stroke.

I teach 2 classes Thursday night (thanks to one of my SIL who looks after the kids) and it worked out that I could spin after. I managed a half hour at an easy tension and held 90 rpm for most of it.

So my first double day is done.

And I got a notification that there is space for Cait in one of the preschool programs Wednesday morning. So starting next week Jake and Cait will be in school and Justin and I can run the track together. Excellent!

Also. I have seven followers yet only two comments. And I've heard there are lurkers out there too. Hmmmm......

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I love that I am able to work and train at the same time. I lead a 45min spin class Tuesday nights and I am thrilled that they are a hard working group, even though there are all sorts of levels of fitness. Everyone works to the best of their ability and I could not ask for anything more.

I am sitting in front of my training log trying to come up with a balance for this week and next. I am glad that this is only pre-base and if I miss a workout it isn't the end of the world. I am working on consistency.

I was laying down yesterday and thinking about Ironman and my stomach was jumping. I remember the first time I did it. I was staying with my SIL's family outside Penticton and every time we drove into town I could feel the anxiety building. Last year I had the same feeling knowing I was there to register for the race.

It's a good feeling because I know it isn't something that is easy, and this reminds me that I need to work hard to make it happen. I want the finish. I want the cheers at the end of the race. I want to feel proud of the accomplishment. That motivated me the first time. It will motivate me again.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Basement of fun!

I know at some point it will morph into the basement of pain, but right now it is fun to watch the three fuzzies play and interact. Free entertainment. A lot of stop and start as I mediate and move kids about but an hour done. My longest run since the marathon and hopefully getting longer.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Busy busy

What a crazy week it has been. We listed our house for sale Monday and have had 12 showings since, including some at very inconvenient times. It has been madness keeping everything clean and ushering three kids out the door on time. However, we had a showing last night right at supper time and they made an offer that evening. So, our house is conditionally sold! The conditions will have to be filled by the end of the week so fingers crossed that all is well.

When we had the first "second" showing our realtor's assistant told us to present the house with a warm smell like vanilla or cinnamon. Last night we were eating McDonald's cheeseburgers and french fries when the potential buyer walked through. It must have smelled like home to him.

The training summary for this week is low: 1 swim, 2 bikes and 1 run. I was going to do something today but just couldn't muster the time or energy for it so I am opting for some trash TV and a glass of wine instead. I am looking at the next month and training will have to take a back seat since we will be moved into the new house within 5 weeks. There is packing and cleaning to be done and that is priority. Rest assured that I will need to do something in order to de-stress.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Just keep spinning

I was very lucky to be asked to lead some of the Saturday classes for the Edmonton Triathlon Club. They are a great group of people who like to work hard and are an enthusiastic bunch. I was honoured to be asked. I am also appreciated there. The give an enthusiastic round of applause after the class and I usually have no less than 5 people compliment me after. That is no nice to hear.

When I first started triathlon and riding my bike I would have difficulty riding in the big chain ring for more than about 10 minutes at a time and never for more than a third of a long ride. The first ever Olympic distance triathlon I did I think I rode it all in the middle ring. Over time I have made an effort to use the big ring and have been impressed that I am able to hold it longer and longer. I am now able to do the majority of my strength sets in it and I am working towards the outer part of my back ring. One of my goals for Ironman is to do most of the ride in the big front ring.

Today's class (1:35)was a combination of low cadence high gear climbs and medium gear high cadence intervals. The big ring was not happening for the sprints but hopefully it will. I was also getting a kick out of one of the women in the front row who was gear matching me. I will keep my eye on her.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Trying to be hip

I have joined a tri swim group to help with my stroke. It has been a long time since I have been part of a coached group and I think it is going to make a difference. I have already been given tips to try. I also look forward to the workout.

The good thing is that I have a good body position and body roll. I need to work on the last half of my stroke. Once I made some corrections I could tell the difference and I did feel more powerful, although I was getting tired. One thing I was told was to try to pull the water past my hip as I have a tendency to come out of the water early. I am hoping that eventually I will consistently swim 100m faster than 2 minutes.

My endurance for a continuous swim isn't there yet. My goal for my second swim of the week will be to build that but still incorporate the tips I have learned.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Bits and pieces coming back

It isn't a shocker that today's run was difficult to get through. Once I was running I realized that all I had eaten was toast and PB for breakfast and a ham and cheese sandwich for lunch. The memory that running is difficult when not properly fueled came back. However, it became mind over matter and I finished the intended workout thanks to the BBM chat with a friend. Yes, I can type and run at the same time. I'm a mother. It's called multi tasking.

A good rule of thumb to follow is to eat when they eat because when they are hungry I probably am as well.

Life is busy right now. It's easy to forget.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Where to begin....

I am a mother of three and my children are a big part of my life. I am an IMC 2005 finisher and I have always known it wouldn't be the only one I would do. My lifetime goal is to do one in every age group. This year I am in the 35-39 age group and it is the 30th anniversary of the race so it fits! Well, on paper it does. Whether or not it fits into actual life will be determined and is the point of this blog.

This will be a training journal of sorts. Hopefully the whining and excuses will be at a minimum (it really is a pet peeve of mine) but with three kids 5 and under there is bound to be some. I'm not supermom and I don't have boundless energy. I am just going to do the best that I can every day.

Right now the goal is to find balance. I just finished the first week of "pre-training" where I did two workouts of each discipline. I want to continue that pattern. Right now when the workouts are short it looks like it will work. My work and life schedule for the next couple of months make it easy to find the places to fit the workouts in. The formal training plan starts 24 weeks out, on March 12.

It will be quality over quantity. I don't want the training to take more time away from my family than it has to, but I know there are some long workouts ahead of me. Probably some early mornings and late nights at the pool or on the treadmill as well. Such will be life. See? No whining and complaining.