Thursday, January 11, 2018

10 Ways to Love

Someone I follow on Instagram posted this in their story today. I think this is an excellent list, so I am posting about it here. I know I feel more valued when people around me follow these "rules" and I also know that I could work on them myself. It is easy to point out to others how they can improve, but much more difficult to turn inwards. It is one of my goals to be a better person.

Listen without interrupting
I know I could be better at listening as well. I can finish someone's thoughts aloud, or ask a question at the wrong time. I hate being interrupted. I'm sure so does EVERYONE ELSE!

Speak without accusing
I have been told that my tone and body language can give me away, or they are actually not congruent with a good intention. I need to tell my body that my mind is open and attentive.

Give without sparing
There have been times where I have been generous and have not gotten a thank you. That makes it difficult for me to continue giving if I am not getting recognition. I need to remember that I give out of love and the recipient knows that, even if they don't tell me.

Pray without ceasing
I don't pray, so I have no comment on this.

Answer without arguing
Goes hand in hand with the first one. It's easy to argue and get defensive sometimes, especially if the perception is the other person is being accusatory. Listen, assimilate and then answer.

Share without pretending
Goes hand in hand with giving. Do I pretend that I am doing someone a favour? This one needs more thought.

Enjoy without complaining
Yes! Live in the moment and look at the good. Yes it's cold outside, but I am lucky that I have a house that keeps me warm. My legs hurt from running...but I am running. There are so many silver linings in bad situations.

Trust without wavering
I believe in the love of my family that they want what's best for me and their actions are out of love. I trust my family with all my heart. I'm sure there is a spiritual component to this: trust in what you believe in, that it is guiding you on the right path.

Forgive without punishing
This can be hard. If I say I am over something, then I am working hard to make it so and not to act out. I know what it is like to be held in limbo about something, to be told that yes, everything is ok when in fact is isn't and I am getting dragged through it time and time again. The best that I can do, is not do this to someone else. I know there are 2 situations that fall under tis category and I am doing my best to work towards better behavior.

Promise without forgetting
This can go hand in hand with the above. If you promise you're fine, then act fine. Literally, if you say you're going to do something then do it. I know I have difficulty with remembering things, so I am working harder at writing things down as an attempt to remember.

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