Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Loving the easy runs!

Just for fun I wore my heart rate strap on my treadmill for my easy run. 6.8km in less than 45 minutes gave the following result:

I maxed out at 151 and that was only for a split second. I was not expecting it to be that low as I have worn a heart rate monitor before and my running HR wa much higher. I am looking forward to using it again, and I am curious to see what it will reach when I start my interval training.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Week one is done!

Summary for the week:

Run - 31km in 6 runs 3:21Spin - 6 classes 3:00Strength - 45:00 in 2 classes

I subbed 2:00 worth of spin for a  fellow instructor and this is the last week for one of my spin classes, so that number won't be as high. It was tiring but I look forward to the paycheck that will follow.

Speaking of money, I spent another $173 because I was selected in the random draw for the Seawheeze half marathon in Vancouver in September. As I write this one of my friends got in, but my sister in law hasn't yet. The three of us were roomies last year so I hope it will be 2 years in a row for us. I plan on running this race for fun. The half marathon in May is the A race and then I will let my body recover but still have the fitness to complete another half. It is a beautiful course and I want to actually enjoy it this year.

All in all a good start to my half marathon training.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Trust the process, but....

The Hanson half marathon plan calls for 24km in 5 runs in the second week. What I have planned is 31km in 5 runs. I am following the paces that the plan suggests for me but I have increased the mileage a bit. That is because I know that my body needs time to adapt to training in order to be effective. The mileage increases at the beginning of the plan are too steep for me to do safely. Next week the total is 33.6km in 5 runs and I have 38km planned in 6. I have the extra run because eventually the Hanson plan increases to 6 runs and I need to get there safely.

I have faith in the plan that it will work for me as best as it can, given my limitations. I am excited about it. I don't want to dismiss this plan and say it doesn't work for me without giving it a fair try. So far it is manageable, but it is early and no real speed or distance have started yet!

I also have my client consultations planned within the next week for mt personal fitness trainer practical, so I am excited about that.

I have also entered the lottery for the Seawheeze half marathon. The draw is tomorrow. I am hopeful that my name is selected for entry.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

What inspires me.

This is my forearm tattoo. I got it on this day in 2016 after over a year of thinking about it and saving for it. It represents my family's birthstones. The large ones are my children. The purple one is me and the green is my husband. I put it specifically on my forearm so I would always see it and would always be reminded of who are the most important people in my life. The 4 of them is why I want to be the best person that I can me and work on that every day, in every aspect of my life. I am not perfect at it but I do try.

In terms of my physical accomplishments, I am not motivated entirely by performance. I don't think that if I achieve a PB in whatever race or a top placement that it will change what my family will think of me. I want to show them that I don't give up and I always do my best and that they should want to do the same. When I raced Seawheeze last year, I was too focused on the performance and not enough on the enjoyment of running and feeling humbled that I was actually running a half marathon. I reflected on that and I will approach that event differently in the future.

That being said, I do look at past performances as motivation to do my best. Before my diagnosis I worked hard at Ironman training and I finished my second over an hour after my first. I also worked hard at getting my half marathon time under 2 hours, actually taking 7 minutes off my previously best time. I don't know if I will achieve either of those things again, but I certainly want to try.

I follow people and search for people via Instagram who inspire me. There are those who have healed and controlled their autoimmune disease without medication. There are those who have autoimmune disease but still hit the gym or the roads and trails like a badass. There are those who have other illnesses and still grab life by the balls and go for it every day. And there are those who don't have any illness but work hard at their goals. I love reading about all these people and I can take bits and pieces from them and apply that to my life. I am willing and open to learning from everyone. I started on Instagram looking for a way to feel connected, and I do. I also have a large amount of respect for those that share their vulnerabilities and low points because that's when we can learn the most. Not every day is sunshine and rainbows and I don't always feel my best, but it is reassuring to know that I am not alone.

I also look to myself for inspiration. I am internally motivated and a goal setter. I can logically see the steps I need to take to achieve my goal and I take them. I know that goals need to change. Right now I am in the early and easy stages of my half marathon training. I feel excited and well rested and unstoppable. I also know that things can change at any given moment and my goal will have to change and I am ok with that.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Hanson's half marathon week 1

It's official! I am half marathon training. I am excited to be doing this again. I am not going to explain what the training program is all about, because that information can be found through any search engine. But I will summarize what I have done and compare it to the training plan. I am going to be modifying the beginner plan a bit and here's why:

1. I don't think the amount of mileage the plan calls for is going to agree with my body so I will most likely cut back some of the distance.

2. The beginner plan ramps up quickly when compared to the advanced, so I am going to increase the mileage a bit more linearly.

3. The beginner plan has 6 days running and one that is cross training/rest. I may drop to 5 as I have 2 days a week where I teach 2 classes and as much as I will try to hold intensity back, I may have to substitute one of the days out.

Week 1 according to plan: 16 km in 3 runs
What I did: 21.2km in 4 runs

I needed a bit of a cutback after the high mileage start to the month.

Me and my new foam roller. Yes, I really am that short!

Sunday, January 14, 2018

The strava challenge

As a challenge to myself I entered it. The goal is to achieve either 40km or 80km recorded via GPS in 14 days. Because my phone and Garmin are shit at getting signals indoors this meant that I would have to run outside. This is me stepping outside of my comfort zone because I love my treadmill!!

Anyway, I did it! I did the math at the beginning and figured that it was an average of 5.7km a day with an extra .2 somewhere. It was very doable the first week when the weather was nice, but I really had to dig deep when there was a cold snap in the second week. Several days of below -20C made it hard. But I wanted to
prove that I could do it . And I did.

Friday, January 12, 2018

Winter running

 I am the first to admit that I would much rather run on my treadmill or the indoor track than run outside.
But then a carrot was presented to me: run either 40km or 80km  Jan 2-15 and track with the Strava app and possibly get a treat from Lululemon. Uh...have you seen my workout clothes drawer? It is 99% lulu, so of course I have to participate. I have run outside for all those days, even in the current cold snap of -20C and below. I have 4 days to run 22km to get my 80km achievement.

I can also say with 99% certainty that once this challenge is over I will be indoors on my treadmill until this coldsnap is over. And most likely until the weather is more Colleen friendly. To say I am enjoying the outdoor running right now is a bit of a stretch. I am proud that I have been committed to it (ahem, Lulu) but once I'm about 15 minutes in I am hot and sweaty and then 10 minutes from there I start getting chilled.
I've been running a 1km loop around my neighbourhood and I can still see my footpronts form 3 days ago because:
1. No one can be bothered to shovel their damn sidewalks and
2. No one else is stupid enough to be outside when it is that cold.

And soon that will be me.

Check me out on Instagram @collbel for all my running adventures

Thursday, January 11, 2018

10 Ways to Love

Someone I follow on Instagram posted this in their story today. I think this is an excellent list, so I am posting about it here. I know I feel more valued when people around me follow these "rules" and I also know that I could work on them myself. It is easy to point out to others how they can improve, but much more difficult to turn inwards. It is one of my goals to be a better person.

Listen without interrupting
I know I could be better at listening as well. I can finish someone's thoughts aloud, or ask a question at the wrong time. I hate being interrupted. I'm sure so does EVERYONE ELSE!

Speak without accusing
I have been told that my tone and body language can give me away, or they are actually not congruent with a good intention. I need to tell my body that my mind is open and attentive.

Give without sparing
There have been times where I have been generous and have not gotten a thank you. That makes it difficult for me to continue giving if I am not getting recognition. I need to remember that I give out of love and the recipient knows that, even if they don't tell me.

Pray without ceasing
I don't pray, so I have no comment on this.

Answer without arguing
Goes hand in hand with the first one. It's easy to argue and get defensive sometimes, especially if the perception is the other person is being accusatory. Listen, assimilate and then answer.

Share without pretending
Goes hand in hand with giving. Do I pretend that I am doing someone a favour? This one needs more thought.

Enjoy without complaining
Yes! Live in the moment and look at the good. Yes it's cold outside, but I am lucky that I have a house that keeps me warm. My legs hurt from running...but I am running. There are so many silver linings in bad situations.

Trust without wavering
I believe in the love of my family that they want what's best for me and their actions are out of love. I trust my family with all my heart. I'm sure there is a spiritual component to this: trust in what you believe in, that it is guiding you on the right path.

Forgive without punishing
This can be hard. If I say I am over something, then I am working hard to make it so and not to act out. I know what it is like to be held in limbo about something, to be told that yes, everything is ok when in fact is isn't and I am getting dragged through it time and time again. The best that I can do, is not do this to someone else. I know there are 2 situations that fall under tis category and I am doing my best to work towards better behavior.

Promise without forgetting
This can go hand in hand with the above. If you promise you're fine, then act fine. Literally, if you say you're going to do something then do it. I know I have difficulty with remembering things, so I am working harder at writing things down as an attempt to remember.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

2018 a look ahead

I have a lot on my mind to accomplish this year personally, professionally and athletically.

Personally, I would like to let go of the things that have been living rent free in my brain. Once the kids are back in school I will be able to reflect and find ways to have closure. The year ended with a not so stellar reflection of my best self. I am owning my actions, and whatever hurt they have caused, but I refuse to own any more than that. I cannot control what the result will be and I will let that go. I need to heal my body so I can't have other people's shit on my brain when I have enough of my own.

Professionally, I will be finishing my NAIT PFT diploma! Looking forward to the opportunities that will give me. The first practical starts this semester and I am really looking forward to using what I have learned in a one on one and small group setting.

Athletically, I am going after that half marathon PB in May. Pre-diagnosis I ran a 1:56. I am looking to better that, to prove that I am stronger than RA. This blog will turn more into a training focussed journal.