Saturday, July 21, 2012

Tired still

I am looking forward to the countdown to race day, when there is more time in my day and I am not so tired. Have I said that a lot? I feel like I am saying that I'm tired a lot.

The workouts are exhausting, but I also miss my family. There are times that I am present physically, but my head has checked out. I am snappy and short and I don't mean to be.

I knew the training would be hard but this is a facet that I didn't think of.


  1. keep your head up and your smile on your face. You are doing great! You are truly strong xo

  2. I hope you find a new burst of energy to get you through to the end of August. I admire so much what you are doing - so much training and so much responsibility and commitment to your young family. You are amazing Colleen! Hang in there!
