Friday, December 1, 2017

November wrap up

The month finished with 103.6 km so I am still achieving my goal of staying over 100km a month. It can be tiring at times though. It can be a struggle for me to weigh listening to my body and resting when I know I need to against looking ahead at a running goal and focusing on the training that I need/want to do. I know the importance of rest and that it's important in the long run because if I am tired then I know there will not be a race anyway.

I also taught 8:30 in cycle classes and did 5 strength classes. I know I need to lift more weights so I should find the time to do that. Given my recovery time from activity I'd rather run then lift weights.

Looking ahead to December I will be done my online classes by the 15th and the classes I teach wind down in number. I am looking forward to the reduction in stress and the increase in downtime. I even scheduled the first week of January completely off: I won't be teaching and my next classes won't have started yet.

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