Friday, April 20, 2012


I think it is fair to say that spring is here! I was out this evening and the air had that crispness to it, you know the kind after a rainstorm. The sky is clear and the sun was shining. And now the sun is setting and I can see the colours in the sky. Does this mean that soon I will be riding outside? Possibly. I stand by my wussyness and refuse to go in extreme conditions, at least right now, but I am looking forward to the whir of my tires on the road and the scenery rushing by me. I am looking forward to when my parents are settled in their new house and we return to our regular routine. I hope this means that I will be able to do a long bike ride during the week. Then the shorter ride on the weekend with the option of the brick run. My husband has "called" Thursdays for fishing and I cannot argue with him about it. He is being flexible around my training and he deserves some down time too.

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