Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Making peace.

A straight-forward question that isn't necessarily answered.

My mother-in-law and I go for a floats together once a month and on the table there is a deck of conversation cards. We each pick a card and ask each other and then give our answer. This was the question she picked for me.

I really had to think about things in my life and there are a number of things that I think I am at peace with but upon presentation of a situation I am not actually there. The majority of those things have to do with the actions of others towards me. Like the support I get/don't get from people and how I wish it were different and I say I accept it when I really don't. But that's an unpublished post for never.

I think I honestly have made peace with my RA. I accept that it will always be a part of me but I don't have to define my life by it. I accept that there are some things that I have to modify because of it. I accept that things can change quickly and that it can be out of my control. I accept (but certainly don't like) that I may not always be in control and sometimes "good enough" will have to do.

For me, being at peace with something means you accept it but you don't have to like it. Now, to apply that to those other areas.

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