Monday, July 30, 2012

Through the eyes of a six year old

I had the rare opportunity to spend some quality time with my six year old. We went to Capital Ex (here on refered to as the carnival) just him and I. We took the train to get there and he loved it. We rode rides and had junk food. It was the best $85 I have spent in a very long time.

I was encouraging him to go on some of the rides alone and he said to me "I like them better with you mom". Made my heart melt.

There are days that my littles do nothing but fight tease and cry and sometimes it is hard to remember the little sweethearts that are inside when they are pushing my buttons and grating on my last nerve. Oh sure when they are tucked into bed asleep they are angels, but it is nice to see evidence when they are awake.

My training has taken so much time away from my family and I am glad that I was able to get some back. Too bad there isn't a carnival every month.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Holding back

I have really held a lot back in this blog and I apologise for it's lack of real insight. I am a relatively private person, but will share my thoughts and opinions if asked. I don't like to monopolize the conversation and I don't always want all the attention (a shocker since I am an only child).

I have written numerous posts on a training run or ride, or even while sitting and I have thought that they were a bit too personal. I know that people are quite open in blogs, but I am not. Unless you ask.

I am still flattered by the compliments that I receive. I don't need validation to to hear what people think about what I am doing, but it does mean a lot to have support, especially of the family and friends that mean so much to me. 

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Tired still

I am looking forward to the countdown to race day, when there is more time in my day and I am not so tired. Have I said that a lot? I feel like I am saying that I'm tired a lot.

The workouts are exhausting, but I also miss my family. There are times that I am present physically, but my head has checked out. I am snappy and short and I don't mean to be.

I knew the training would be hard but this is a facet that I didn't think of.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Road trip!

Heading to Penticton today. I'm racing the Peach City Olympic distance triathlon Sunday sandwiched between some riding on the Ironman course. I am looking forward to having the time to do this.This is not my goal race, or even one that I am racing for time, but for the experince of the hills and weather.

 I will miss the kids, but for my own sanity I need these breaks every now and again.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

I inspire?

I have had three people in the last week tell me that I inspire them. They have thought of me when they were having a tough time in their workout, and it has helped them to push through fatigue and discomfort because they think that I am doing more.

I'm flattered.

It isn't my intention to inspire. I do know that I am part of a very small group that trains for Ironman, and even a smaller group of women and yet a smaller group of mothers of young children. I'm lucky to be in that group.

I do what I can with my time. I work hard. I plan. I complete. I bitch. I moan. I get it done. I inspire. Apparently.

Saturday, July 7, 2012


This week has been tiring. My body is still recovering from last weekend's race (and my mind) and coupling that with early wake-ups has left me tired and a bit grumpy. The kids also want to fight it out most minutes of the day and it is exhausting to be a referee.

I have managed all my recovery workouts this week. The swim was a tough one to get through, but as the week has progressed they have gotten easier, but not easy. I'm looking ahead to the tough weeks ahead with excitement. At the very least, I get to escape the screaming.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Half Ironman Success!

Yesterday I raced a not so little local half Ironman. Long story short, the day was rainy and cold, and I finally achieved my goal of a sub-7 hour finish by finishing in 6:16. Aside from having a panic in the swim, the day went my way. I worked hard, stayed focussed and smiled the whole way. I am pleased with my result.

That is a bit of an understatement. I knocked my socks off. It has been a while since I have set a goal for a race and achieved it. If there is only one more PB I am to get this year, I am hoping it will be at Ironman.

Lately I have been concerned that my training isn't enough for the Ironman that I want. Luckily, I still have 6 weeks to fill in the gaps that I need to:

 - finish a 7+ hour ride
- have at least two others that are 6 hours
- run 2.5 hours at least twice
- swim 90 minutes continuous at least twice

Really, it isn't too bad but there is a bit more build up that I have to do in order to get there. Carefull planning is what it will take. There is still a lot of family time and fun time.